Car Repair

The Effect of Transmission Leaks on Your Car

Owning a car is fun, taking care of it isn’t always easy. Ongoing vehicle maintenance takes patience, time, and money—things not all of us have. Therefore, it’s critical to find a reliable automotive shop that can help make the process a little easier, faster, and cheaper. One of the most important aspects of vehicle maintenance is fluid care. The various fluids your car utilizes to run properly must be inspected, kept full, and often flushed in order to function well. Transmission fluid is one of the most critical fluids in your car; when it begins to leak, it can cause serious issues in performance and engine reliability.

How to differentiate between transmission fluid and other engine fluids

Your car has several different types of fluids it utilizes for overall optimal performance. When one of these fluids begins to run low or become contaminated, it can cause serious harm to your engine. Transmission fluid has a different purpose and function from other engine fluids; however, in appearance it may look similar to power-steering fluid. Both power-steering fluid and transmission fluid look sort of red or light brown in appearance, but the difference between the two is indicated by where the location of a leak occurs. Since these locations may differ depending on the type of car you drive, it’s important to have the help of a professional automotive specialist to determine where the issue is coming from.

Potential causes of transmission leaks

There are several reasons why your transmission might leak fluid, and they all require expertise and skill to fix. It’s important to have an automotive specialist perform a differential diagnosis to determine the exact cause of your transmission leak, otherwise the problem could have devastating effects on your engine. Some of the more common causes of transmission fluid leaks are: damaged fluid lines, a leaking torque pump, or damaged transmission seals. All of these things can wear out over time, so it’s important to stay on top of your vehicle’s scheduled maintenance plan and replace parts before they fail.

The effects of driving a car with low transmission fluid

Driving a car with low or inadequate transmission fluid can cause noticeable issues with your vehicle’s performance. Much like your engine requires motor oil to function properly, your transmission requires transmission fluid to smoothly shift gears. Therefore, symptoms related to transmission fluid inadequacy are evident in the gear-shifting processes. If your transmission is losing fluid and running low, you may notice shifting problems, such as: transmission slipping, delays in engagement, unpredictable shifting, difficulty shifting at all, and high engine temperatures. Suffering through these symptoms is problematic, as it renders your vehicle inconsistent, unreliable, and over time, completely useless due to a damaged transmission. The long-term effects of low transmission fluid can be costly, and might even lead to the need for an entire transmission replacement.

Why ongoing fluid maintenance is so important

The long-term damages that can result from low transmission fluid are devastating, and can drain the money from your bank account quickly. Ongoing fluid care is critical to ensure that your vehicle performs well for years to come; however, it’s also critical to retain the value of your car. Transmission inspections and transmission flushes are important to maintain the level and quality of the transmission fluid in your car, and they are a part of your scheduled maintenance plan set forth by the manufacturer of your specific car. To know when to service your transmission, refer to your vehicle’s owner’s manual and/or consult with your automotive specialist.

Car Transmission Check

Hiring a specialist to handle your routine vehicle maintenance

Here at Star Motors, serving clients from the areas of San Juan Capistrano and the greater Southern Orange County, CA, we have seen a wide range of transmission problems that often relate to a lack in transmission care. With over 3 decades of experience in the field, we have learned that focusing our attention on preventive care and accurate diagnoses is the best approach to automotive work. We value our clients, and we value their patronage—we strive to serve our community with honesty, integrity, and exceptional quality of work. Specializing in European import brands like Mercedes-Benz, BMW, and Jaguar, we also make it our mission to offer competitive prices for luxury vehicles that usually cost an arm and a leg to maintain. To schedule an inspection, tune-up, or simply to speak to one of our professionals, please contact us directly. We look forward to earning your trust.


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