
The Five Most Common Car Repairs Causes (And How to Avoid Them)

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If you own a car, there’s a good chance that you’ve experienced at least one car repair in your life. Whether you’re just starting and learning about what goes on under the hood or whether you’ve been driving for decades and are getting to know your new model, here are the five most common car repairs–and how to avoid them!


If you’re experiencing car trouble with your brakes, it’s likely due to one of five common issues. Worn brake pads are the most common brake repair, followed by leaks in the hydraulic system, worn rotors, loose calipers, and low brake fluid levels. You can avoid most brake repairs by checking your brakes regularly and paying attention to how your car is handled. If you notice any unusual noise or behavior, take it to a mechanic immediately.

Air Filters

A dirty air filter can cause all sorts of car trouble. Your car may run less efficiently, and you may even end up with a damaged engine. Plus, a dirty air filter can make it harder for your car to breathe, leading to car emissions problems. To avoid these problems, check your air filter regularly and replace it when necessary.

Engine Coolant

Low coolant can cause car trouble, from a drop in fuel efficiency to engine overheating. In extreme cases, it can even cause the engine to seize up. To avoid these problems, check your coolant levels regularly and top them off when necessary.


Worn tires can cause several problems for your car. They can make it harder to handle, cause premature wear on other parts, and even lead to a blowout. To avoid these problems, be sure to check your tires regularly and replace them when they start to show signs of wear.

Electrical Systems

Electrical issues cause many car problems. Common electrical problems are lousy battery connections, corroded ground wires, loose or damaged terminals, and bad fuses. To avoid these problems, keep your battery clean and charged, check your ground wires regularly, and inspect your terminals and fuses regularly. Then, if you notice any issues, consult your mechanic right away.

Car problems are inevitable, but you can avoid many issues by ensuring your car is maintained according to manufacturer specifications. If you notice any problems with your vehicle that need attention, see your trusted mechanic as soon as possible.

Photo by meltonmedia from Getty Images Signature via Canva Pro

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