
What Does it Mean to Drive Defensively?

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Have you heard about defensive driving? If so, you might have wondered what exactly that means. Star Motors European wants you to be safe behind the wheel of your European car and still enjoy driving it, so follow some of these tips.

Don’t Take Chances

Taking chances, like trying to beat that yellow light before it turns red, is a recipe for disaster. Other chances you might take could include following other drivers too closely and believing that other drivers both know the rules of the road and are going to follow them correctly. You can’t make assumptions while you’re driving, because that can put you in a dangerous spot.

Avoid Distractions While Driving

Distractions are a huge problem for drivers, and for the most part they really can be avoided. Make sure that you’re doing everything that you can to limit distractions while you’re driving. Avoid using your phone while you’re in the driver’s seat and don’t try to multitask while you’re driving. All of that can wait until you’re out of the car. If other people in the car with you are determined to provide distractions, remind them that everyone’s safety depends on you doing your job as the driver.

Make Good Decisions

Overall, you just need to focus on making good decisions. That starts with knowing and following traffic laws, of course, but it also means making good choices when drivers around you do something you don’t expect. When you know that you’re making the best decisions you can make behind the wheel, that’s the most that you can do.

Give Yourself Plenty of Space and Time

Tailgating and speeding both involve taking chances, but they also reduce the space and the time that you have to make other moves. That’s especially true if someone does something in front of you that you have to avoid. When you give yourself plenty of time to get where you need to go and leave yourself physical space in which to maneuver, that’s going to help more than you realize.

Star Motors European in San Juan Capistrano, CA always wants you to be safe while you’re driving your European car. That means driving defensively and it also means making sure that your car is as mechanically safe as possible. Give us a call today and we can help you with all of your service and repair needs to ensure that your car is ready for the road.

Photo by Jackson David from Pexels via Canva Pro

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